The million dollar question about nutrition and skin is what nutrient will stop your dogs hair from Shedding?
If you are experiencing one too many 'hairy moments' in your home, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is nothing nutritionally that will really help this problem. Shedding is a natural process because each hair has a limited lifespan. Old hairs are replaced by new hairs in a mosaic pattern and shedding is most influenced by day, length and temperature. For many dogs, shedding is most active in spring and autumn. Genetics, hormones and other factors, such as stress, all influence the hair replacement cycle.
A poor quality diet can be a cause of stress and therefore hair loss, so if your dog does shed lots of hair you can try feeding them a better quality diet overall. However, there is no guarantee that it will help as the hair loss could just be what is normal for your particular breed of dog.
Removing the old hair by brushing is still the best strategy when it comes to preventing shed hair from being deposited all over your house.
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